
Rank S100 index Change Change %   Business ID
49. (+3) 750 5 0.60 % 2634632-5

Founded: 2014 Category: SaaS/Business Software City: Helsinki

The world is drowning in stuff. A fact that most consumers are becoming keenly aware of. Consumption’s new companion is guilt and for good reasons. Ironically many people don’t care about owning material goods the way they used to. They care about the experience. To put it simply, it’s about what you can do, not what you own. This is large-scale cognitive dissonance and unsustainable for both people, businesses, and our planet. We need a world that shares more. One that is made to make less. But todays commerce softwares are almost exclusively designed for selling ownership, not access. To grow sales via quantity, not quality. This makes it unnecessarily complicated for both customers and businesses to discover the vast potential of outside ownership. Rentle closes this gap between supply and demand effortlessly. Our platform empowers merchants to expand their commerce from unit sales to service, from ownership to access — while retaining full control of their customer experience. Give your customers what they need when they need it. Let them return it when they don’t. It’s easy, it’s smart, it’s more sustainable and It’s simply The Way They Want.


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